Flickrocket supports English (en), German (de), Spanish (es), Italian (it), French (fr), and Portuguese (pt).
Product with title and description in multiple languages:
"product": {
"locales": [{
"title": "ePub (epub) (en)",
"description": "ePub (epub) - Description (en)",
"language_id": "en"
"title": "ePub (epub) (de)",
"description": "ePub (epub) - Description (de)",
"language_id": "de"
Title with special chars or description with html code needs to be escaped to not break the json format.
"files": {
"product_picture": [{
"language_id": "en",
"picture" : "Pictures/VTS_01_1_01.JPG"
"language_id": "de",
"picture" : "Pictures/VTS_01_1_02.JPG"
"files": {
"pictures": ["Pictures/VTS_01_1_01.JPG", "Pictures/VTS_01_1_02.JPG"],
"product": {
"categories": [{
"category_id": 4
The categorie_id can be found under Products->Categories. In the panel "Category Information" is the ID listed.
More informations about supported fields can be foundhere or in thesample files
Here the uploader needs to know the product id of the product to be updated. The ID can be found in the admin interface on the product details page.
"user": {
"email": "<your flickrocket login email>",
"password": "<your flickrocket login password>"
"files": {
"main": "Files/moby-dick-hypothesis-demo.epub",
"flux_dvd": "",
"preview": "",
"pictures": ["Pictures/VTS_01_1_01.JPG", "Pictures/VTS_01_1_02.JPG"],
"product_picture": [{
"language_id": "en",
"picture" : "Pictures/VTS_01_1_01.JPG"
"language_id": "de",
"picture" : "Pictures/VTS_01_1_02.JPG"
"options": {
"files": {
"main": "replace",
"flux_dvd": "none",
"preview": "none"
"add_content_to_uploader": true,
"add_content_to_shop_owner": true,
"send_mail_to_shop_owner": true,
"flux_package_audio_type": "music"
"product": {
"id": 142995
The product type can not be changed by uploading a different content format. For example,a pdf product can not be converted into an epub by uploading an epub file.