Batch Encoding of DVDs

More often than not, new video content owners starting with FlickRocket have a number of DVDs to encode. In this case it is good to know of the BatchEncode Tool which comes with the FlickRocket Content Tools which is typically overlooked because it does not have a link in the start menu.

The BatchEncode tool is located in the same directory as the FluxDVD Encoder. To get to it right click on the FluxDVD Encoder in the Start menu, select "Properties".

Now click on “Open File Location”to show the directory in which the “fluxBatchTool” resides.

Now click on “Open File Location”to show the directory in which the “fluxBatchTool” resides.

Start the “fluxBatchTool” to get to the main Window.

All you need to get started is to drop the VIDEO_TS directories you want to encode into the window, modify the destination folder and click “Start”. BatchEncodeTool will run the FluxEncoder with all folders you have dropped in until complete.