Using FlickRocket and FluxPlayer to build a KIOSK solution

Did you ever think about presenting your content in a KIOSK system? Presenting your content at POS? At shows? Seminars? And the list goes on and on…

We’ve frequently heard this kind of request and so I thought I would make a blog post to answer the question and show how you can build a profession KIOK solution based on your FlickRocket shop.

The platform we are using for the KIOSK solution is iOS, because it already comes with some build-in functionality for this. This functionality, called “Guided Access” is located under iOS’s “General Settings/Accessibility”.

Once activated, it keeps the iPad’s user in the current app once you triple-click the home button until you triple click the home button and enter the passcode you have defined in the “Guided Access” setting.

Now when you start FluxPlayer and active “Guided Access” as described before, Flickrocket will detect the guided access mode and disable all controls which allow the user to tamper with the account or content while allowing full read/view access.

Have fun…