
Various digital downloads have specific restrictions put on them, this object contains information about each such a restriction. The following fields are supported:

Variablename Object Description Note
burn_count int The number of times a fluxdvd file can be burned (contains 0 if not allowed to burned). EF
description string A short description for the given license, most often empty. EF
enable_drm bool Determines whether copy protection schemes are activated or whether the file is not copy protected at all. EF
expiration_date DateTime If the license has an expiration date (see has_expiration_date), then this value contains the Date when the license will expire. EF
expire_after_store int Hours, days or month after which the license expires after the file was stored on the users harddisk. If this value is 0, it does not expire (regarding the date of storing the file). EF
expire_after_store_mode int Tells whether expire_after_store is measured in hours (0), days (1) or month (2). EF
expire_first_use int Hours, days or month after which the license expires after the file has first played. If this value is 0, it does not expire (regarding the date of playing the file). EF
expire_first_use_mode int Tells whether expire_first_use is measured in hours (0), days (1) or month (2). EF
has_expiration_date bool If the license will expire at a given time, this flag will be true and the field expiration_date will contain that date. Otherwise, this field contains false. EF
id int An internal indentifier for the given license. EF
play_annual_licenses int Max. licenses per year EF
play_total int Max. licenses total EF
title string The name of the license. EF
total_downloads int Returns the number of permitted downloads. EF

Note: This object is exclusive to FlickRocket. If you are using a theme orginating from Shopify and want to use this functionality, you need to add this.