This is one of the main objects of the shop system, as it contains information on a specific product. It contains the following attributes:
Variable name | Object | Description | Note |
actor_role | Dictionary <string, string> | Translates the actor to the role which he played in a movie (e.g. for artist_role[“Patrick Stewart”] the result could be “Jean-Luc Picard”). | EF |
actors | List <string> | This contains a list of all artists which played in the movie. | EF |
age_from | int | This is the recommended minimum age for a given content | EF |
age_to int | int | Sometimes also the maximum age for the given content is specified. | EF |
album | string | Returns the name of the album where this product is contained (unused for most products). | EF |
artist_role | Dictionary<string, string> | Translates the artist to the role it had on creating the content (e.g. for artist_role[“Rick Rubin”] the result could be “Executive Producer”). The name of the artist can be enumerated using the artists field. | EF |
artists | List<string> | This contains a list of all artists which created the content. | EF |
attributes | List<ProductAttribute> | This field contains the list of the various product attributes. It corresponds with the Attribute Filter object, which enable filtering of products due to their attributes. | EF |
audio | List<AudioInformation> | Returns information on the audio tracks of a given movie or audio book. | EF |
authors | List<string> | Returns the names of all authors of a book, audio book or other content. | EF |
available | bool | This flag is true if the product is available for purchase. As the shop only sells digital goods for now, this flag will return true. | EF |
chapters | int | The number of chapters a book or an audio book has. | EF |
collections | List<Collection> | Returns a list of collections which contain the product. A product can be part of several collections. | EF |
compare_at_price_max | int | Specifies the original maximum price over all variants. It will be used when decided whether a product is on sale. If no price is known (or is the same as the actual maximum price) then a 0 is returned. Otherwise the price times 100 will be returned (for use in combination with the money filter). | |
compare_at_price_min | int | Specifies the original minimum price over all variants. It will be used when decided whether a product is on sale. If no price is known (or is the same as the actual maximum price) then a 0 is returned. Otherwise the price times 100 will be returned (for use in combination with the money filter). | |
compare_at_price_varies | bool | If there are variants with varying compare_at_prices for this product (therefore compare_at_price_max and compare_at_price_min differs), a true will be returned. Returns false otherwise. | |
composer | string | Returns the composer of the audio track or album. | EF |
contained_products | List<Product> | If this product is actually a product compilation, this list will contain all products which are included in this compilation. | EF |
content | string | The same as description. | |
content_type | int |
The type of the content. It might have the following values:
EF |
copyright | string | A copyright note for the given (digital) product. | EF |
description | string | The description of the product. It might contain HTML code like tables and iframes (youtube). This can be removed with the strip_html filter. | |
digital_barcode | string | This code is the barcode of a product, often a virtual barcode for a given digital product. | EF |
digital_equivalent | string | Returns a code which identifies a digital good. | EF |
directors | List<string> | A list of directors of a movie. | EF |
duration | int | Runtime | EF |
featured | bool | This flag is true if the product was flagged by the shop owner as to be featured. | EF |
featured_image | Image | Returns the main image for the given product. | |
genres | List<string> | A list of genres assigned to a movie. | EF |
handle | string | This is an handle for the given product. | |
id | int | An internal numeric id for the given product. | |
image_main | Image | The same as featured_image. | EF |
images | List<Image> | A list of all images of the product. Usually the first image in that list will contain the main product image (sometimes followed by a second main product image) and then preview pictures of a movie. | EF |
is_music | bool | Defines whether the product is audio content (music or audio book). | EF |
isbn | string | If the product has an ISBN (International Standard Book Number), this field return the products ISBN. The code is often used for books and audio books (usually as a physical product). | EF |
locking | int |
Defines whether the content is locked to a given piece of hardware or not. A value of 2 means that the content can only be played on a given hardware. |
EF |
mpdrm | bool | This flag is true if the product has a copy protection scheme and can only be played using a flickrocket account. | EF |
options | List<string> | Contains names of the various options. For now, the list will always contain one element, either “Default” (there are no options available) or a translated version of “License” (for digital good). | |
price | int | This is the minimum price (times 100) of the product (if several variants are available, the cheapest one is selected). Use the money filter to format the value. | |
price_max | int | This is the maximum price (times 100) of any variant of the product. Use the money filter for formatting. | |
price_min | int | This is the minimum price (times 100) of any variant of the product. Use the money filter for formatting. | |
price_varies | bool | Returns true if there are several variants with different prices (thus price_max differs from price_min). | |
product_number | string | This value contains a vendor specific product number, mostly for internal use. | EF |
rating | int | The average rating of the product times 10. The value is between 0 and 50 (50 is the highest value). The rating can be formatted using the rating_image filter. | EF |
rating_count | int | The number of people that have rated the product. | EF |
release_date | DateTime | The date when the movie was released. | EF |
reviews | List<Comment> | A list of reviews for the given product (can contain sub comments). | EF |
reviews_count | int | Number of reviews of this product (see reviews). | EF |
reviews_enabled | bool | Setting whether reviews are enabled for this product. | EF |
reviews_moderated | string | Tells whether the post will be approved before publishing. | EF |
reviews_need_to_login | bool | Tells whether a user needs to login before he will be able to write a review of this product (anonymous posts are forbidden). | EF |
runtime | int | The runtime of the movie or audio book in seconds. | EF |
seo_description | string | A description of the product for Search Engine Optimization. | EF |
seo_keywords | string | Keywords of the product used for Search Engine Optimization. | EF |
seo_title | string | The title of the product used for Search Engine Optimization. | EF |
short_movie | bool | Indicates whether the movie is rather short or a full feature movie (with a length > 60 min). | EF |
studios | List<string> | A list of studios publishing the given movie. | EF |
subtitles | List<SubtitleInformation> | Contains a list of information about the movies subtitles. | EF |
tags | List<string> | A list of tags that describe the product. Tags are not supported for now, therefore this list will always be empty. | |
title | string | Returns the title/name of the product. | |
title_normalized | string | This is the title/name of the product, but without any diacritics (therefore reducing umlauts to their base form e.g. ö -> o, é -> e). Such strings can be better sorted or compared. | EF |
trailer | string | If a trailer/commercial for the given product exists, this is an URL to a video clip. | EF |
type | string | Returns the name of the type of the product. Basically, it is the clear name of the content_type field. | |
url | string | Returns the URL of the appropriate product page. | |
variants | List<Variant> | Contains the various variants of the product. Each variant could have a different price and features. For more information about variants, please have a look at the Variant object. | |
vendor | string | The vendor of the content, usually all products of a shop will have the same vendor. | |
version | string | Returns an (internal) product version/revision. | EF |
writers | List<string> | A list of writers that created the content (e.g. a screenplay). | EF |
year | int | Production year of the content | EF |
{{ product.title }}
{% if product.rating > 0 %}
{{ product.rating | rating_image }} ({{ product.rating_count }})
Big Buck Bunny
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<li class="Star1"><i class="icon-star"><img src="/assets/fetch/Star1.png" style="" alt="Rating 3,5" /></i></li>
<li class="Star1"><i class="icon-star"><img src="/assets/fetch/Star1.png" style="" alt="Rating 3,5" /></i></li>
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<li class="Star2"><i class="icon-star-empty"><img src="/assets/fetch/Star2.png" style="" alt="Rating 3,5" /></i></li>