
This is one of the main objects of the shop system, as it contains information on a specific product. It contains the following attributes:

Variable name Object Description Note
actor_role Dictionary <stringstring> Translates the actor to the role which he played in a movie (e.g. for artist_role[“Patrick Stewart”] the result could be “Jean-Luc Picard”). EF
actors List <string> This contains a list of all artists which played in the movie. EF
age_from int This is the recommended minimum age for a given content EF
age_to int int Sometimes also the maximum age for the given content is specified. EF
album string Returns the name of the album where this product is contained (unused for most products). EF
artist_role Dictionary<stringstring> Translates the artist to the role it had on creating the content (e.g. for artist_role[“Rick Rubin”] the result could be “Executive Producer”). The name of the artist can be enumerated using the artists field. EF
artists List<string> This contains a list of all artists which created the content. EF
attributes List<ProductAttribute> This field contains the list of the various product attributes. It corresponds with the Attribute Filter object, which enable filtering of products due to their attributes. EF
audio List<AudioInformation> Returns information on the audio tracks of a given movie or audio book. EF
authors List<string> Returns the names of all authors of a book, audio book or other content. EF
available bool This flag is true if the product is available for purchase. As the shop only sells digital goods for now, this flag will return true. EF
chapters int The number of chapters a book or an audio book has. EF
collections List<Collection> Returns a list of collections which contain the product. A product can be part of several collections. EF
compare_at_price_max int Specifies the original maximum price over all variants. It will be used when decided whether a product is on sale. If no price is known (or is the same as the actual maximum price) then a 0 is returned. Otherwise the price times 100 will be returned (for use in combination with the money filter).  
compare_at_price_min int Specifies the original minimum price over all variants. It will be used when decided whether a product is on sale. If no price is known (or is the same as the actual maximum price) then a 0 is returned. Otherwise the price times 100 will be returned (for use in combination with the money filter).  
compare_at_price_varies bool If there are variants with varying compare_at_prices for this product (therefore compare_at_price_max and compare_at_price_min differs), a true will be returned. Returns false otherwise.  
composer string Returns the composer of the audio track or album. EF
contained_products List<Product> If this product is actually a product compilation, this list will contain all products which are included in this compilation. EF
content string The same as description.  
content_type int

The type of the content. It might have the following values:

  • 0 Unknown
  • 1 Movie
  • 3 Web
  • 4 Software
  • 5 Audio
  • 6 Physical
  • 7 PDF
  • 8 Collection
  • 9 HD Movie
  • 16 EBook
  • 17 Service
  • 18 App
  • 19 Theme
  • 20 Certificate
  • 21 Variants
  • 22 VR Movie
  • 23 Audio Track
  • 24 Audio Album
  • 25 Gift/Unlock Code Data
  • 26 Access Group
  • 27 Generic File
  • 28 not in use
  • 29 HTML Package
  • 30 Scorm Package 
copyright string A copyright note for the given (digital) product. EF
description string The description of the product. It might contain HTML code like tables and iframes (youtube). This can be removed with the strip_html filter.  
digital_barcode string This code is the barcode of a product, often a virtual barcode for a given digital product. EF
digital_equivalent string Returns a code which identifies a digital good. EF
directors List<string> A list of directors of a movie. EF
duration int Runtime EF
featured bool This flag is true if the product was flagged by the shop owner as to be featured. EF
featured_image Image Returns the main image for the given product.  
genres List<string> A list of genres assigned to a movie. EF
handle string This is an handle for the given product.  
id int An internal numeric id for the given product.  
image_main Image The same as featured_image. EF
images List<Image> A list of all images of the product. Usually the first image in that list will contain the main product image (sometimes followed by a second main product image) and then preview pictures of a movie. EF
is_music bool Defines whether the product is audio content (music or audio book). EF
isbn string If the product has an ISBN (International Standard Book Number), this field return the products ISBN. The code is often used for books and audio books (usually as a physical product). EF
locking int

Defines whether the content is locked to a given piece of hardware or not. A value of 2 means that the content can only be played on a given hardware.

mpdrm bool This flag is true if the product has a copy protection scheme and can only be played using a flickrocket account. EF
options List<string> Contains names of the various options. For now, the list will always contain one element, either “Default” (there are no options available) or a translated version of “License” (for digital good).  
price int This is the minimum price (times 100) of the product (if several variants are available, the cheapest one is selected). Use the money filter to format the value.  
price_max int This is the maximum price (times 100) of any variant of the product. Use the money filter for formatting.  
price_min int This is the minimum price (times 100) of any variant of the product. Use the money filter for formatting.  
price_varies bool Returns true if there are several variants with different prices (thus price_max differs from price_min).  
product_number string This value contains a vendor specific product number, mostly for internal use. EF
rating int The average rating of the product times 10. The value is between 0 and 50 (50 is the highest value). The rating can be formatted using the rating_image filter. EF
rating_count int The number of people that have rated the product. EF
release_date DateTime The date when the movie was released. EF
reviews List<Comment> A list of reviews for the given product (can contain sub comments). EF
reviews_count int Number of reviews of this product (see reviews). EF 
reviews_enabled bool Setting whether reviews are enabled for this product. EF 
reviews_moderated string Tells whether the post will be approved before publishing. EF 
reviews_need_to_login bool Tells whether a user needs to login before he will be able to write a review of this product (anonymous posts are forbidden). EF 
runtime int The runtime of the movie or audio book in seconds. EF
seo_description string A description of the product for Search Engine Optimization. EF
seo_keywords string Keywords of the product used for Search Engine Optimization. EF
seo_title string The title of the product used for Search Engine Optimization. EF
short_movie bool Indicates whether the movie is rather short or a full feature movie (with a length > 60 min). EF
studios List<string> A list of studios publishing the given movie. EF
subtitles List<SubtitleInformation> Contains a list of information about the movies subtitles. EF
tags List<string> A list of tags that describe the product. Tags are not supported for now, therefore this list will always be empty.  
title string Returns the title/name of the product.  
title_normalized string This is the title/name of the product, but without any diacritics (therefore reducing umlauts to their base form e.g. ö -> o, é -> e). Such strings can be better sorted or compared. EF
trailer string If a trailer/commercial for the given product exists, this is an URL to a video clip. EF
type string Returns the name of the type of the product. Basically, it is the clear name of the content_type field.  
url string Returns the URL of the appropriate product page.  
variants List<Variant> Contains the various variants of the product. Each variant could have a different price and features. For more information about variants, please have a look at the Variant object.  
vendor string The vendor of the content, usually all products of a shop will have the same vendor.  
version string Returns an (internal) product version/revision. EF
writers List<string> A list of writers that created the content (e.g. a screenplay). EF
year int Production year of the content EF


{{ product.title }}

{% if product.rating > 0 %}

{{ product.rating | rating_image }} ({{ product.rating_count }})



Big Buck Bunny

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<li class="Star1"><i class="icon-star"><img src="/assets/fetch/Star1.png" style="" alt="Rating 3,5" /></i></li>

<li class="Star1"><i class="icon-star"><img src="/assets/fetch/Star1.png" style="" alt="Rating 3,5" /></i></li>

<li class="Star3"><i class="icon-star-half"><img src="/assets/fetch/Star3.png" style="" alt="Rating 3,5" /></i></li>

<li class="Star2"><i class="icon-star-empty"><img src="/assets/fetch/Star2.png" style="" alt="Rating 3,5" /></i></li>
