
This object is used for representing many kinds of prices (e.g. product price, shipping, total price, etc.). It handles tax (depending on the country of the seller and the customer) and calculate the correct values for a given price. If country or customer reside in USA, usually the VAT will be not calculated within the shop, but when the customer actually checks out his cart.

This object has the following fields:

Variable name Object Description Note
currency string Returns the currency as ISO string (e.g. “USD”, “EUR”).  
currency_id int This is an internal currency identifier (e.g. USD = 1, EUR = 34).  
decimals int Returns the number of decimals to be shown when formatting the value (this value depends on the currency, it will be most of the times 2 and sometimes 0).  
display_price int    
includes_tax bool    
is_percentage bool Returns true if this price is based on a percentage of another value. If so, also the field percentage is valid.  
net_price long The net price without any taxes. Use the money filter to format the output.  
percentage float If the price is based on a percentage, this specifies the original percentage value (in percent).  
taxes int This is the VAT for the given price. Use the money filter for formatting the output.  
tic int Returns the TIC (Tax Information Communication) for the given product, shipping, etc.  
total_price int This is the combined price (net plus VAT). Use the money filter for formatting.  
vat_percentage float This is the used VAT percentage.  

Note: This object is exclusive to FlickRocket. If you are using a theme orginating from Shopify and want to use this functionality, you need to add this.